Thursday, January 15, 2015

Lesbos' Church

These are a very common kind of church on the island of Lesvos (Greece),made by stones with wonderful paintings and mural painting on the wall .
But with the age these Churches are coming on danger ,because they could fall down and because and paintings are losing color .
These churches was made between "III century" and "VIII century"

This is a ruined church of lesbos

This is Lesbos island saw in the space 
This is a bridge to comunicate
This is a typical church of Lesbos

Tan Mahal

     The Taj Mahal is one of the seven wonders of the modern world. It is a monument in danger because of the air and water pollution.

monuments in danger: the Great Chinese Wall

The Great Chinese Wall

Considered one of seven marvels of the world. One extends approximately 5500 miles (8850 km) of this to the west of the country. It was constructed by defensive ends along the history and it includes all kinds of landscapes, from meadows and valleys up to mountains and deserts. It is one of the tourist attractions of major historical relevancy in China and attracts every year visitors of all the parts of the world.